PALATE 12-15ml

”…an inhibited intentionality, exemplified in a characteristic failure to commit the whole body to a particular task…” (Iris Marion Young)
Working with movement as speculative force PALATE 12-15ml creates a combination of signs that creates pathways of meaning to be interpreted by its viewers. It conceptualizes movement and acts of the dancers as a way of communicating recognizable forms to both satisfy and break the thought process of the spectators while they view the piece. It uses materials (plastic, water, soundscape) to frame the space and the bodies of the dancers. It has used descriptions of movement, body and spatiality by Iris Marion Young in ”Throwing Like A Girl: A Phenomenology of Feminine Body Comportment, Motility and Spatiality” as a framework for the improvised and set movement material.
Choreography / Suvi Tuominen Sound design / Marouf Majidi Dance / Nelli Ojapalo, Ella Posti, Rianna Rintamäki, Maiju Tiuraniemi, Wilma Seppälä

Is a dance and sound journey into being a woman. The video is inspired by vloggers who give make up tutorials. We have been exploring the subject of woman through movement exercises, pictures, sounds and myths. What and who is a woman? Where goes the thin line of funny and shame?
Movement: Nelli Ojapalo, Wilma Seppälä, Suvi Tuominen
Sounds and music: Marouf Majidi, Tony SIkström

Soundpainting is the universal multidisciplinary live composing sign language for musicians, actors, dancers, and visual Artists. Presently (2023) the language comprises more than 1500 gestures that are signed by the Soundpainter (composer) to indicate the type of material desired of the performers. The creation of the composition is realized, by the Soundpainter, through the parameters of each set of signed gestures.
Formed in 2007, Helsinki Soundpainting Ensemble (HSE) is an improvisational ensemble consisting of musicians from Helsinki. HSE utilizes soundpainting-language to compose music and has always open-mindedly combined different musical styles.